Mizhi Wind and Percussion Ensemble

Mizhi Wind and Percussion Ensemble

Founded in 2017, The Mizhi Wind and Percussion Ensemble is one of the largest full-scale suona and wind and percussion ensemble formed by farmers of northern Shaanxi on the Loess Plateau. Supported by the county party committee and the county government and directed by the renowned suona virtuoso Professor Gao Xiaopeng, the ensemble aims to bring the region’s rich musical heritage to a wider audience, and has made dozens of appearances at major events, including the Global Confucius Institute Conference. It has also performed with many professional orchestras, including about 100 performances of the orchestral suite Morning Star Lilies Forever in more than 40 cities across China, which pioneered the artistic integration of northern Shaanxi suona and professional ethnic orchestra. The Ensemble joined the ‘Shaanxi folk songs concert’ held by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to perform at the National Centre for the Performing Arts and nationwide. The Ensemble has received many accolades for its contribution to traditional folk music, including a first prize at the National Suona Exhibition, the Ensemble has performed four times on the stage of the National Centre for the Performing Arts, and also a visit to Singapore. It has become an active and influential folk suona and wind and percussion ensemble.

Over the coming years, under the leadership of the county party committee and the county government, and guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi
Jinping’s important instructions, The Mizhi Wind and Percussion Ensemble will respond to the call to promote the modern civilisation of the Chinese nation and the establishment of a strong socialist culture, become a cultural ambassador, inherit the tradition of revolution, and continue to showcase
Shaanxi’s rich cultural heritage to a wider audience.