
Nguyen Thi Quynh Huong

Nguyen Thi Quynh Huong majored in Dan Bau (Vietnamese Monochord) at the Traditional Music Instruments Department of the Vietnam National Academy of Music. After graduation, she served as a soloist at the Vietnamese Music and Dance Theater and later, a soloist of the Border Guard Art Troupe. From 2022, she has served as a soloist of Suc Song Moi Traditional Orchestra.

She won a Silver medal at the Vietnam’s National Solo and Ensemble Festival 2017 - solo category. As a representative of Vietnamese national instrumentalists, Huong has usually participated in art festivals or exchange performances abroad. The countries she has visited include: China, Kuwait, Russia, Kazakhstan, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, and Cambodia.

As a soloist, Huong has participated in many national-level performance projects in Vietnam with the Suc Song Moi Traditional Orchestra since 2022, receiving heads of state and CEOs of well-known technology brands. In 2023, she participated as one of the representatives of Vietnamese musicians in the ‘Vietnam-Japan Festival Symphony Orchestra’, which was set up to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Vietnam, and had a long tour in 6 cities in Japan.